Jackie Suarez, Associate Broker Century 21 RiverStone in Sandpoint, Idaho 208-290-5888
Sandpoint, Idaho Real Estate by Jackie Suarez

What is the current real estate market climate in North Idaho?

Welcome to our long-awaited summer sale season! Buyers are once again flocking to our area as the winds have shifted in their favor, many of them looking for low-hanging fruit and scooping up bargain-priced homes and land. On the other end of the spectrum, mostly cash buyers are investing in luxury and legacy properties. This leaves a lot of “middle ground” sellers who are competing for attention and adjusting prices to meet market demand.  READ THE REST >>


Jackie's FEATURED Properties


208-255-1515 ext. 304 office | 208-290-5888 cell phone | 800-205-8771 toll-free | 208-255-1771 fax

Welcome to your source for Sandpoint Idaho Real Estate! I'm here to assist you in Relocating or finding the perfect new house or land in North Idaho.

What is your idea of the perfect North Idaho property? A mountain retreat, a farm with acreage, a home in town, or waterfront property? You name it, I am here to help you find your real estate dream in the Sandpoint area. I'll work hard and remain with you every step of the way to help you get the best property at the best price and terms.

Relocating? New job? Corporate relocation? Retirement? I have helped many folks and families set roots in the Sandpoint area. Contact me and I will get you all the information you need. We can identify your next step and I will help make this a smooth transition for you.